Welcome to my blog - a diary about living with donkeys, notes about care, my training sessions and the absolute pleasure of donkey companionship.

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Thursday, March 28, 2013

On-line course launched!

I have just registered for the full 12 week course on Operant Conditioning Behaviour Analysis through Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia.  I was a "tester" for the first four weeks of this course last Spring.

Now the university (department of agriculture) is launching the full twelve week course and despite the fact that I am SO BUSY for the next few months, I have decided to enroll.  The fact that I am offered a 40% discount helps too!

I'm not sure yet how many students there will be but what I do know is that there are two horses, a donkey, a moose and a river otter (plus a number of dogs) who will be trained! I think it will be fascinating to participate in the positive reinforcement training of these animals!

We have to choose one animal to train for the duration of the course.  I am leaning towards Rose and thinking that if I have time, I can teach the others what she is learning. 

Rose will benefit from some undivided attention.  She is the sweetest animal I have ever known.  Although she was once trained to drive and shown in halter classes, I find she is now somewhat reserved.  It could be that she is taking awhile to settle in to a new environment and no surprise as she has been moved about (I am her 5th owner.)

The course starts on April 4th and I hope to have time to post notes about what we are learning.



  1. Exciting! Can't wait to hear how you get on, Rose sounds like the perfect choice :-)

  2. So excited for you! Sounds like it will be alot of fun!
