and make informed decisions.
Parasites & Horses
Of all domestic livestock, horses have the largest
numbers of parasites. Horses that graze on grass in a domesticated living
environment are very susceptible, since parasites spend a part of their life
cycle living on the grass blades. Horses are at greatest risk of parasitic
infection if they are allowed to overgraze their pasture, because overgrazed,
nutrient-poor grass favours higher larval populations. They are also at risk
under confined conditions, because in tight quarters they are more likely to
pick up eggs shed by one another.
Horses graze close to the ground and, more than other livestock, are
always smelling, nibbling, and licking, whereby they can pick up large numbers
of infective larvae.
Once in the horse’s digestive tract, female
parasites lay eggs in the hindgut. These eggs are passed to the ground inside
the feces. Under proper environmental conditions (including warmth and
moisture) the eggs hatch into larvae in the manure. Under cold and dry
conditions, the eggs can survive un-hatched for long periods, waiting to emerge
when the conditions are right. The infective larvae migrate onto grass blades,
where they remain until grazing horses ingest them. They then develop into
young parasites in the intestines. In the fall, prompted by the changes in
daylight, ingested intestinal larvae penetrate the wall of the large intestine
where they encyst and begin another life cycle within the host.
The most common parasites to infect equines are
small strongyles, large strongyles, roundworms and pinworms. Small strongyles
are the most common, and their encysted larvae can cause colic, anemia, weight
loss and mal-absorption. Large strongyles, known as bloodworms, enter the
bloodstream and migrate for six to seven months along the walls of the
arteries, the liver, the kidneys, the pancreas and the intestinal wall causing
tissue damage. They eventually return to the large intestine as young adults.
Roundworms only affect weanlings and yearlings,
with encysted larvae migrating to the liver, heart and/or lungs. Infected
youngsters will generally show signs like malnutrition, colic, failure to
thrive, unhealthy hair coat, pot belly and possible coughing.
Pinworms lay eggs around the anus, causing tail
itching and hair loss.
General symptoms that are associated with
infections from all worm types can also include poor appetite, diarrhea,
itching, skin conditions, fatigue, poor body condition, depression, anxiety and
ulcers. Interestingly it is not of benefit for these parasites to kill its host
so most horses just continue to get sicker rather than die.
The treatment of equine parasites is not as simple
as we think. Not only are there different types of parasites but each horse has
different levels of resistance – some horses with a high count have no symptoms
whatsoever and other horses with hardly any infestation have no resistance at
all and show a variety of symptoms. As well, there is much concern about
over-medicating horses with chemical de-wormers leading to the mutation and
resistance of the parasites themselves. And conversely, for some horses, herbal
and homeopathic treatments are not enough.
Chemical De-wormers
Chemical de-wormers came on the scene in the 1960s
to target all species of worms. Only one new de-worming medicine has been
introduced in the past 15 years and few new ones are expected. In recent years,
however, the chemical war on parasites has become less popular for the
following reasons:
1) Worms, especially small strongyles and
roundworms, adaptive creatures that they are, have learned to build resistance.
This has no doubt been spurred on by overly-aggressive parasite drug treatments
putting selective pressure on worms to mutate. The indiscriminate and
repetitive use of chemical de-wormers on horses, especially those horses who
may not even be infested, leads to parasitic mutation, and puts the horses at
risk for toxic chemical overload and compromised immunity. Some de-worming
practices advocate double dosing for several days in succession! By testing
with kinesiology I find that most horses require much lower dosages than the
recommended full dose of 450 – 500 kg. And that these lower dosages are just as
effective. In some cases the horses require a very small dose three or four
days in succession or even once per week for three to four weeks.
2) Too frequent chemical de-wormings or excessive
dosages contribute to intestinal imbalances, liver and kidney stress and
overall toxicity. A horse’s health is often jeopardized by frequently repeating
treatments without results. Be
cautious of de-wormers that claim to kill encysted larvae, since in order to do
so the drug must chemically alter the intestinal membrane to access the larvae.
In sensitive horses this can lead to leaky gut, malnutrition, colic, and weight
loss – sometimes extreme. Adverse reactions to all chemical de-wormers may include
drooling, colic, swellings, allergic reactions and laminitis.
3) Chemical de-wormers often trigger the unaffected
encysted larvae to emerge and develop into adult worms as soon as the drug is
gone from the horse’s system. These newly developed adult parasites begin to
shed eggs immediately and, depending on the time of year, can begin developing
into parasites almost immediately.
4) Chemical parasite control measures shift our
focus away from more natural parasite preventions such as controlling environmental
contamination and keeping our horses in optimum gut health.
Having said this chemical de-wormers are still
often a necessity especially for horses that have a heavy parasite load, have a
low level of resistance to parasite toxicity and/or have been left untreated
for a long period of time. We also find a use for chemicals after forcing
encysted larvae back into the intestinal tract with anti-parasitic herbs.
However, these situations are very different from administering de-wormers
every few weeks without knowing whether or not your horse even needs them. And
given the fact that only 30% of the horses (usually the weakest) in any herd
are carrying the majority of the parasite load, this means that nearly 70% of
our horses are subjected to unnecessary chemicals on a regular basis. It is
highly advisable to make use of fecal parasite tests to determine whether or
not your horse even has an overload of parasites. Bear in mind that a fecal
parasite count will not indicate the presence of encysted parasites however I
do find that those horses with high levels of encysted parasites will most
often have a high load of shedding parasites as well. In any case, horses, like
all animals including people, are not meant to have a sterile intestinal system
– it’s all about balance. A healthy ecosystem relies on a balance of
microorganisms including bacteria, yeast and the occasional parasite. If horses
are never exposed to parasites, they will never build natural immunity and a
stronger resistance.
Chemical de-wormers or not, effective parasite
control starts with prevention, environmental control and an optimum immune
system. It is important to recognize that random treatment, chemical or herbal,
in a parasite laden environment will accomplish very little. Parasite
management consists of healthy immunity, balance and environmental control. It
is not a relentless war of eradication.
Effective Natural
Parasite Control
Poor resistance to parasites is caused by poor
feeding practices, inadequate nutrition, stress and a toxic colon. The
intestinal environment created by high sugar-carbohydrate diets from excess
grass or grain is favoured by disease causing-pathogens and parasites that eventually
damage the colon membranes (leaky gut). As discussed earlier, excess sugar
fermentation produces a highly acidic environment that encourages the excess
proliferation of bacteria, yeast and parasites. Horses in poor condition with
toxic colons will be the most favoured hosts and hostesses for parasites. The
good news is that you can build up the strength of your entire herd by building
up the health and immunity of these particular horses. A natural diet, adequate
nutrition, colon support and detoxification through the use of herbal cleansers
and anti-parasitics, as well as probiotics , will keep a troublesome overgrowth
of parasites to a minimum.
The Do’s and Don’ts of Parasite Control
What to Do
Do perform fecal egg counts
to determine who needs treatment, what programs are effective, and which horses
in the herd need the most attention. Egg counts are the only way to determine
if what you’re doing is working. Horses at risk should be tested regularly
since encysted parasites or those that have migrated into other body systems
won’t shed.
Do keep stables, paddocks and
pastures as clean as possible and free of manure. This breaks the parasite life
Do give your horse access to
free choice weeds, trees, shrubs and brush whenever possible. This allows them
more opportunity to select their own herbal de-wormers and intestinal
cleansers. It is absolutely fascinating to watch what horses will choose to
ingest when given a choice.
Do give your chickens and
ducks and any other bug-eating farm critters free access to pastures and manure
piles so that they can feed on larvae. Some farms keep their chicken coop on
wheels and roll it to different areas in the pasture. Free run chickens are
happier and lay better eggs! And chickens, like all animals, like to explore
and forage and visit with their human companions.
Do concentrate on parasite
programs in the spring and fall when adults and larvae are intestinally active.
In springtime, parasites are migrating from the horse to the pasture whereas in
the fall the horses eat the larvae which then hatch into adult worms. Take
advantage of the lunar cycle too, since worms are more active during the full
moon, making them more accessible to antagonists.
Do use herbal remedies and
nutrients to prevent and treat parasites by maintaining a healthy colon and a
balanced intestinal ecosystem. The best prevention is good digestion and a
strong immune system.
Do consider having a
kinesiology work-up completed to customize a complete parasitic program (see
consultations and services).
Not To Do
Don’t contribute to the parasite
mutation problem and the toxic chemical overload by over-medicating. If you
must chemically de-worm, keep it to an absolute minimum determined by fecals
and/or kinesiology work-ups and treat your horse with probiotics afterwards.
de-worm horses that don’t have a parasite problem – this is not appropriate or
sensible prevention!
Don’t overcrowd your pastures
and paddocks – this breeds parasites and is related to poor overall herd health
and immunity.
Don’t harrow pastures in warm,
wet weather – this merely spreads parasites in a favourable environment and
enables larvae to crawl onto the grass. Wait for hot, sunny weather to harrow.
Don’t spread fresh manure on to
the pastures – it must be properly composted first.
Para+Plus (dandelion, elecampane, gentian, kelp, sage,
thyme, vervain blue, wormwood, yellow dock) – ¼ cup daily.
Has anti-parasitic, anti-bacterial,
anti-fungal and detoxification
properties. Combines well with whole flax seed as the seeds help “push” the
herbs into the hindgut before they digest in the stomach.
Gentian-Sage Tincture – ½ - 1 tsp daily
(Useful for disrupting and eliminating encysted
parasites and larvae.)
Para+Win – one dose daily for 14 days.
A homeopathic formulation for horses with low
resistance and high sensitivity to parasites and their toxins. Also helps to
expel parasites.
Slippery Elm – 2-3 tablespoons daily
Very useful to protect the hindgut membranes from
damage and irritation. It is also well indicated when parasites have encysted
into the colon membranes causing pain, irritation, diarrhea and/or colic.
Encysted parasites can migrate to the liver, heart and kidneys – at this point
it is best to have a consultation done to determine the most effective treatment.
your horses – exercise improves everything from digestion to immunity to
parasite resistance. Ride them, pony them, chase them, hand-walk them…whatever
it takes to keep them busy and get them moving. Don’t let them die from
your horses frequently. Small frequent meals and/or slow feeders encourage
strong digestion and prevent stress, ulcers and poor resistance to parasites.
Don’t let your horses stand idle for long periods of time without anything to
van de Water (B.Sc., DHMS) is an Equine Health & Nutrition Specialist,
Homeopathic Practitioner and Medical Intuitive. She is the author of “Healing
Horses: Their Way!” and “Healing People: The Marijke Method”. She is a regular
speaker at equine seminars and conferences and is the founder, formulator and
CEO of Riva’s Remedies.
March 2012
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