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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Siog's hoof abscess

Oh it's been a tough week - poor little Siog!  I have been soaking her hoof 3 times a day for 20 minutes each time, in an attempt to encourage her abscess to work its way out.  Finally offered her some paste Banamine as she has been so miserable.

Siog is a master at removing poultices.  Every time I come up with a new and improved way to attach a poultice, she tries to "break her personal best" at removing it ... wizard!

The vet came today and found two spots, made big holes so the pus would drain.  She should feel some relief but she is still limping.  I will continue the hoof soaks through Friday and add some Betadine to the water + Epsom salts.

The vet said it's been the worst year in a long time for hoof abscess problems!  My theory is that the ground never really hardened through the relatively mild winter we had, so hooves absorbed too much moisture, leaving them vulnerable to infection.

I clean every evening but will need to disinfect more frequently, especially when it's wet out.  And I think I'll scrub the disinfectant in with an old toothbrush too to really make sure I'm getting the cracks.

I'm off to do the lunchtime soak - it's a good opportunity to clicker train her!


  1. Fingers crossed for poor Siog, hope she's feeling better soon. It's been a tough winter this side of the ocean too, lots of seedy toe and foot abscesses. Poor donkeys just don't do well with so much rain, let's hope for a nice Summer for everyone.
